Zachary Guiliano

Zachary Guiliano

Dr. Zachary Guiliano is the Editor of Covenant. A collection of his posts may be found here.

His academic interests include patristic exegesis and its reception, as well as the role of scriptural interpretation in the spiritual life. His dissertation examined the early history and manuscripts of the homiliary of Paul the Deacon, an anthology of patristic homilies and sermons commissioned and authorized by Charlemagne for use in the Daily Office. It became one of the most widely-used books in the Middle Ages and was a component part of the Roman Breviary.

Zachary completed his B.A. in Biblical Studies at Evangel University, his M.Div. at Harvard Divinity School, and his Ph.D. in History at the University of Cambridge, where he was aGates Cambridge Scholar. He is the author of various articles, short essays, and reviews, and he is co-editor of two volumes in the new Studies in Episcopal and Anglican Theologyseries.

He and his wife, Melissa, are natives of Peoria, Illinois, that most normal of American towns. They made their way to Anglicanism via a long pilgrimage through various Christian denominations, a process that gave them a healthy regard for ecumenism, a love for good liturgy, and a significant appetite for theological discussion. They are, as well, studied practitioners of the culinary arts.

Zachary is an ordinand of the Diocese of Ely, currently reading theology at Westcott House. He is on placement at the Church of St Mary and St Michael, Trumpington.