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Treasure by Emmanuel Egbunu

Date added: 27/11/2015




"No room in the inn"

and you were stranded

in the cold night


Walking in the rain

and by the heat of day scorned 

like a tramp,

forsaking another residence:

Resolved to endure the lashes of time

and to persevere.


O immortal mortal

I understand your language:

many waters cannot quench love.



The streaks of light sear my eyes

fiercely piercing the intervening gloom

and my equivocating thoughts rise

in combat for the room.


Hope would have me strive on

striving and groping along the gloomy way

defying the tides til the treaure is won

and thent to smile at the break of day.


History will have me hold

and be tutored by pains of the past;

"Not all that glitters is gold

nor all that's through the fire shall last"


The treasure I must win

a fatal venture I must save

The fools' paradise must not capture my 


the path of regret I must not pave.


2009, Emmanuel Egbunu

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