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World Religions: A Guide to the Essentials

Date added: 26/01/2017

World Religions: A Guide to the Essentials

by Thomas Robinson and Hillary P. Rodrigues

Published: November 2014

Published by: Baker Academic

ISBN-10: 0801049717

ISBN-13: 978-0801049712

This masterful survey of world religions presents a clear and concise portrait of the history, beliefs, and practices of Eastern and Western religions. The new edition contains added material and has been revised throughout. The authors, both respected scholars of world religions, have over fifty years of combined teaching experience. Their book is accessibly written for introductory classes, can be easily adapted for one- or two-semester courses, and presents a neutral approach for broad classroom use. Pedagogical aids include further reading suggestions, photographs, sidebars, and pronunciation guides. An 800-question bank of multiple-choice test questions is available to professors through Baker Academic's Textbook eSources.

World religions

Thomas A. Robinson is professor of religious studies and chair of the department at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada.

Hillary P. Rodrigues is professor of religious studies, also at the University of Lethbridge.

"One of the best introductory surveys of religions gets better in a second edition with revised and additional materials, including quick-facts pages, sections on women, and more illustrations. This multiauthored text maintains a remarkable cohesive fluidity and clarity that is extremely accessible and attractive. Its concise and well-structured exposition minimizes technical jargon and sticks to interesting essential details in a well-balanced development of history, beliefs, and practices of major and minor religious traditions. Although the book is only three hundred pages long, the depth of discussion is significant and quite creative for an introductory overview. Enhanced by a substantial chapter on minor religions and major subgroups, a fine introduction to methods of religious studies, a spelling guide, and excellent summary sidebars, it also makes available to instructors extensive multiple-choice test questions."
(Michael Stoeber, Regis College and Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto)