Articles (Latest at the top.)
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The Pope and the Archbishop in the Middle East: Religion, Politics and Faith
Revd Dr Yazid Said

The Revd Dr Yazid Said reflects on the significance of the visits, in May 2017, of Pope Francis to Egypt and of the Archbishop of Canterbury to Jordan and Israel/Palestine.

Simon Barrington-Ward: Anglican Ecclesiology of Grace in Brokenness
Revd Dr Andy Lord

Andy Lord considers the subtle ecclesiology, generated from contextual Anglican mission, by Simon Barrington-Ward, General Secretary of the Church Mission Society 1975-85, who was later Bishop of Coventry.

A story of growth and decline
The Revd David Goodhew

David Goodhew examines why some parts of the Anglican Communion are growing fast and others are not.
Originally published by the Church Times (https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2017/6-january/features/features/a-story-of-growth-and-decline) and republished here with permission.

The Challenge of Gender-Based Violence in Kenya and the Response of the Church
Rev. Dr. Emily Onyango

This paper, by the Revd Dr Emily Onyango, was presented at Johanesburg, South Africa, at a conference organised for Biblical Equality, 14-17th September 2016. It looks at gender-based violence in Kenya and how the Church has responded to this.

Foundations of Protestant Christianity: The Roots of Anglicanism in Colonial Coastal Andhra: Madras Presidency, India
Dr. Santha Varikoti- Jetty

This article by Dr Santha Varikoti-Jetty, looks at 'Foundations of Protestant Christianity:The Roots of Anglicanism in Colonial Coastal Andhra: Madras Presidency, India.' This is the first article by Dr Varikoti-Jetty looking at this subject.

Anglican/ Episcopal Identity as Mestizaje Ecclesiology
Daniel Munoz

This article from Daniel Muñoz, looking at the Anglican or Episcopal Identity as Mestizaje Ecclesiology, is available here in both English and Spanish.

Du Theatre a la Mission Therapeutique de L'Eglise: Un Regard sur L'Eglise Anglicane du Congo
Kahwa Njojo

An article by Professor Kahwa Njojo, looking at the Anglican Church in the Congo. Please note, this article is in French.

Women Leaders Rising Up: A Case Study of the Anglican Church of Kenya 1844 - 1945
Rev. Dr. Emily Onyango

This paper uses historical methods to highlight the role played by women in the Anglican Church of Kenya. The main argument is that women have been central to missions since the inception of the Anglican Church of Kenya. Women played a key leadership role in the establishment of the Church. Women have also participated in decision making at different levels of the Church. The Anglican Church has played a major role in the empowerment of women.

Book Review of David Joy's 'Overlooked Voices: A Postcolonial Indian Quest' by Sindhu Joseph
Sindhu Joseph

This book review from Sindhu Joseph, of David C.I. Joy's book 'Overlooked Voices: A Postcolonial Indian Quest' explores a book that searches for the native voices that stood firmly for the freedom and emancipation of the people of God in India during the British Raj.
This review has also been published at Bangalore Theological Forum, Vol. XLVII, No. 2 (December, 2015).

As Strangers and Pilgrims: Hermeneutical Hospitality as Theological Paradigm for Christian Mission and Ecumenical Dialogue
Daniel Jara Jhayya

In this paper Daniel Jaya Jhayya proposes a new theological paradigm for mission and ecumenical dialogue.

Dialogo Evangelico Cattolico-Romano sulla Missione, 1977-1984. Intuizioni e Significato
Graham Kings

On 7th October, Bishop Graham gave a lecture at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome on Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance.
This is a translation of his paper, kindly provided by Gemma Debono. The English version is available here:

Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance
Graham Kings

On 7th October, Bishop Graham gave a lecture at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome on Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance.
This paper is also available in Italian here:

Missional Church: more a theological (re)discovery, less a strategy for parish development.
Edward Prebble

Edward Prebble looks at what 'Missional Church' really means - is it best understood as a theological concept?
This article was first published in Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review 46, no. 2 (Nov 2014).

Church growth is mainly about attitude
Canon Angus Ritchie

Many different approaches are winning new disciples: you don’t have to be Evangelical, argues Angus Ritchie
This article first appeared on the Church Times website and is reproduced here with permission: https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2016/2-september/comment/opinion/church-growth-is-mainly-about-attitude

What is 'Good' Christian Music?
Revd Dr Sidney Green

Following on from Frederick W Schmidt's aricle on the ways music contributes to our spritual lives, the Revd Dr Sidney Green ponders 'What is 'good' Christian music?'
An earlier form of much of this article was previously published as a chapter in 'Music for the Parish’, Sidney Green and Gordon Ogilvie, Grove Books, Nottingham, UK, 1974.

The Five Ways Music Contributes to Our Spiritual Lives
Frederick W. Schmidt

This article by Frederick W Schmidt, from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Institute, explores the impact music has on spirituality.
Originally published on patheos website and republished here with permission.

Art, Poetry and Mission
Graham Kings

Bishop Graham reflects on what art and poetry can mean for mission.
Originally published in The Times on Saturday 3rd September 2016 and reproduced here with the paper's kind permission.

Church Missionary Society in Coastal Andhra, 1850-1950: Mediating Change among the Malas
Dr. Santha Varikoti- Jetty

This article by Dr Santha Kumari Jetty looks at the work of the Church Mission Society among the people of Coastal Andhra in India in the later half of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries.

What place should works of art have in churches, and does it make any difference whether they are beautiful or not?
Georgina Morgan

This article reflects on the role art plays within worship and the limits of what is appropriate for use in churches. It also explores some ideas of what 'beauty' is and the importance of this for art in places of worship.

Is 'Postdenominational' Christianity possible?: Ecclesiology in the Protestant Church of China
Rev. Dr. Ruomin Liu

Chinese Protestantism is the most rapidly growing form of Christianity of our time: each year about one million adults are baptized as new members of the registered Protestant church, now counting over 30 million members. And this is only one side of the story: there are also thousands of non-registered congregations, the so-called home or house churches, which account for another over 30 million members, demonstrating the same growth rate of one million baptized adults every year. Every day a new congregation is established in China. In this article, Prof. Dr. Miikka Ruokanen, in cooperation with Dr. Liu Ruomin and Dr. Chen Yongtao look at this phenomenon and its theology.
Reproduced with the permission of Dr. Liu Ruomin and John Wiley and Sons.

Anglican Mission in the Middle East up to 1910
Duane Miller

This chapter by Duane Miller, taken from the forthcoming book 'The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume III: Partisan Anglicanism and its Global Expansion 1829-c.1914', explores the issue of Anglican identity in the Middle East up until the Edinburgh Conference of 1910
This is a draft of a chapter that has been accepted for publication by Oxford University Press in the forthcoming book The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume III: Partisan Anglicanism and its Global Expansion 1829-c.1914 edited by Rowan Strong due for publication in 2017.

Theology Does Not Stand Still: 'The New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic'
Thomas Creedy

Thomas Creedy reviews 'The New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic'. This completely revised second edition of the classic 1988 'New Dictionary of Theology' includes over 400 new articles from an international team of contributors.

Being Anglican: Perspectives from Africa
The Revd Dr Titre Ande Georges

A paper presented by The Revd Dr Titre Ande Georges, Bishop of Aru Diocese in Democratic Republic of the Congo, whilst on Sabbatical at Ridley College in Cambridge.

Review of Elaine Storkey's 'Scars Against Humanity'
Natalie Collins

Natalie Collins reviews a powerful book from theologian and author Elaine Storkey. 'Scars Across Humanity' considers the problem of violence against women on a global scale.

Reflections on the Water - The 2016 Laing Lecture
Thomas Creedy

Consultant to the Mission Theologian, Thomas Creedy, offers some reflections on a stimulating lecture given by Dr Anna Robbins to the faculty, students and friends of London School of Theology. Exploring the theme of collective repentance and implications for reconciliation, this lecture offers a profound challenge to the Church, particularly in the West, but with potentially global and institutional implications.

Discipling the Church: A Study of Christian Education in the Anglican Church of Myanmar
The Revd Canon Hassan John

A review of 'Discipling the Church: A Study of Christian Education in the Anglican Church of Myanmar' by Saw Maung Doe, General Secretary of the Church of the Province of Myanmar. Review by The Revd Canon Hassan John.

Bishop starts global quest to heal rifts in the Anglican Communion
Bess Twiston Davies

Graham Kings, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Mission Theologian, is reaching out to the church’s ‘Global South’, writes Bess Twiston Davies.
This article is reproduced with kind permission of The Times newspaper.

Owing a debt to Owen Chadwick (1916-2015)
Graham Kings

Reflections on the life, work, quotations and influence of Owen Chadwick, doyen of British historians and Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge, for 27 years.

Bishop Sprints at Convention
G Jeffrey MacDonald

Before Bishop Kings began his job in England, he was in the United States outlining his vision for the role and providing a glimpse of what is to come. That meant nudging the primates of Brazil, South Korea, and Pakistan to reflect theologically at a luncheon panel sponsored by Virginia Theological Seminary's Center for Anglican Communion Studies and the Compass Rose Society.

Cardinal Kasper and Vatican II: Ecclesiological Investigations
Graham Kings

Consideration of Cardinal Walter Kasper's book The Catholic Church, commentary on his address at the recent Conference on Vatican II at Georgetown University, and part of the text of a key Vatican II document on Unity and Communion. This article was originally published on Covenant and is republished with permission.