List from Interweavings and All Articles        
containing the tag   Mission

God Writes Straight with Crooked Lines Interweavings No 23 July 2017

31/07/2017    An Interweaving


For July's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the future of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, its publications, programmes, partners and people, and asks for prayers for a new venture.


Fiji: Mission in Oceania - Contexts and Currents Interweavings No 22 June 2017

20/07/2017    An Interweaving


For June's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the recent Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference in Suva, Fiji.


Globalisation in the Pacific Islands: Challenges and Perspectives for Churches


Revd Dr Cliff Bird

Rev Dr Cliff Bird, Regional Coordinator, Pacific Programs Relief and Development, Uniting World, was Theological Consultant at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, explored the concept of globalisation in the Pacific as it relates to contemporary mission and development.


Church history and the Catholic Church Mission in Tonga: Looking Afresh at Early Missionary Approaches


Viliami Kiola

Viliami Kiola, who is training fo the Roman Catholic Priesthood at the Pacific Regional Seminary, Suva, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji, June 2017 exploring the history of Roman Catholic Mission in Tonga.


A Samoan Woman's Missionary Journey: Paddling against the Tide


Rev Marie Ropeti

Rev Marie Ropeti, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, presented this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference in Fiji, June 2017, exploring her journey of ordination as a Presbyterian and encouraging other denominations to ordain women.


Public Failures and Hidden Successes: a Comparative History of Protestant Missions Five Centuries After the Reformation


Prof Alec Ryrie

Professor Alec Ryrie considers the history of the Protestant missionary movement, in particular in South Africa, Korea and China.


Simon Barrington-Ward: Anglican Ecclesiology of Grace in Brokenness

Revd Dr Andy Lord


Revd Dr Andy Lord

Andy Lord considers the subtle ecclesiology, generated from contextual Anglican mission, by Simon Barrington-Ward, General Secretary of the Church Mission Society 1975-85, who was later Bishop of Coventry.


Public Theology and the Brazilian Religious Field: Questions and Contributions from an Anglican Perspective


The Very Revd Dr Gustavo Gilson Oliveira

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil, 24-27th April 2017.



God is not homophobic: An Anglican Contribution to Overcoming Homophobia


Revd Inamar de Souza

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.



Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue: A Mode of Doing Public Theology


The Revd Dr Lilian Lira

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.



Biblical Notes on Mission and Theology: Doing theology through activism for life


Dr Paulo Ueti

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.


Public religion and public theology: the message of justice and affirmation of pluralism in a divided and commodified society


Dr Joanildo Burity

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.


Jerusalem Intercontinental Webinar, Interweavings No 20, April 2017

11/04/2017    An Interweaving


For April's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the recent Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, a webinar hosted by St George's College, Jerusalem.

This article was also published on the Covenant website, available here:


Four Sabbatical Scholars at Durham, Cambridge and Oxford: Interweavings Number 17, January 2017

27/01/2017    An Interweaving


Bishop Graham's Interweavings for January looks at the four Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Sabbatical Scholars in the UK.



Bengaluru: Contextual Mission in India: Interweavings Number 15, November 2016

23/12/2016    An Interweaving


Bishop Graham's 15th Interweavings is a reflection of his time in Bengaluru for the Mission Theology Conference in October 2016.

This article is also available to read on Covenant: 


Gender and Sustainable Development in Africa


The Revd Dr Lydia Mwaniki

A Seminar of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, given by the the Revd Dr Lydia Mwaniki at Durham University on 23rd November and Lambeth Palace on 24th November. 


Rome: 50th Anniversary Symposium and Lecture: Interweavings Number 14, October 2016

18/11/2016    An Interweaving


Bishop Graham's October Interweavings reflects on his visit to Rome for the 50th Anniversary of the Anglican Centre in Rome, and a lecture he gave at the Pontifical Urban University.


Book Review of David Joy's 'Overlooked Voices: A Postcolonial Indian Quest' by Sindhu Joseph

Sindhu Joseph


Sindhu Joseph

This book review from Sindhu Joseph, of David C.I. Joy's book 'Overlooked Voices: A Postcolonial Indian Quest' explores a book that searches for the native voices that stood firmly for the freedom and emancipation of the people of God in India during the British Raj. 

This review has also been published at Bangalore Theological Forum, Vol. XLVII, No. 2 (December, 2015). 


This is my body, this is my blood: Implications for Mission Theology from a Dalit perspective


Elizabeth Joy

A Seminar of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, given by Elizabeth Joy, at Lambeth Palace on 11th October 2016 and Durham University on 2nd November 2016.



As Strangers and Pilgrims: Hermeneutical Hospitality as Theological Paradigm for Christian Mission and Ecumenical Dialogue

Daniel Jara Jhayya


Daniel Jara Jhayya

In this paper Daniel Jaya Jhayya proposes a new theological paradigm for mission and ecumenical dialogue.



Contextual Mission in India: From Women's Perspective


Dr Susan Thomas

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Bangalore, October 2016.


"Live and Let Live" - The Essence of God's Mission from the Perspective of the Indigenous Peoples


Dr Chhungi Hrangthan

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Bangalore, in October 2016.


Doing Mission in Context: Christian Mission as Invitation in Contemporary India


Dr Muthuraj Swamy

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Bangalore, October 2016 by Dr Muthuraj Swamy.


The Mission of Jesus Christ in India Today


Dr Ken Gnanakan

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference  in Bangalore, October 2016.



Contextual Mission in India: Evaluations and Directions


Revd Dr. David Joy

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference held in Bangalore in October 2016.




Healing Ministry as Christian Mission


Revd Dr Arul Dhas T.

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Bangalore, October 2016.


Dialogo Evangelico Cattolico-Romano sulla Missione, 1977-1984. Intuizioni e Significato

Graham Kings


Graham Kings

On 7th October, Bishop Graham gave a lecture at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome on Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance. 

This is a translation of his paper, kindly provided by Gemma Debono. The English version is available here: 



Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance

Graham Kings


Graham Kings

On 7th October, Bishop Graham gave a lecture at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome on Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance. 

This paper is also available in Italian here: 



Cuba: Mission Studies and Missional Formation: Interweavings Number 13, September 2016

30/09/2016    An Interweaving


In September Bishop Graham travelled to Cuba to be part of the World Council of Churches, Council for World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) consultation in Matanzas. Here he reflects on his time there.


Missional Church: more a theological (re)discovery, less a strategy for parish development.

Edward Prebble


Edward Prebble

Edward Prebble looks at what 'Missional Church' really means  - is it best understood as a theological concept?

This article was first published in Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review 46, no. 2 (Nov 2014).



Church growth is mainly about attitude

Canon Angus Ritchie


Canon Angus Ritchie

Many different approaches are winning new disciples: you don’t have to be Evangelical, argues Angus Ritchie

This article first appeared on the Church Times website and is reproduced here with permission: 


Church Missionary Society in Coastal Andhra, 1850-1950: Mediating Change among the Malas

Dr. Santha Varikoti- Jetty


Dr. Santha Varikoti- Jetty

This article by Dr Santha Kumari Jetty looks at the work of the Church Mission Society among the people of Coastal Andhra in India in the later half of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries.


Sarah the Mother of Mission: Interweavings No 11, July 2016

25/07/2016    An Interweaving


Bishop Graham spoke on Sarah as the Mother of Mission, using Genesis 18 and the painting by Silvia Dimitrova, at Durham Cathedral and Lambeth Palace for the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project.


Sarah the Mother of Mission: An Exposition on Genesis 18 and the painting by Silvia Dimitrova


Graham Kings

A seminar of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, delivered by the Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings, Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, on 16th June at Durham Cathedral and 13th July at Lambeth Palace. With responses from Steve Muneza (Durham Cathedral) and Pervaiz Sultan (Lambeth Palace).


Anglican Mission in the Middle East up to 1910

Duane Miller


Duane Miller

This chapter by Duane Miller, taken from the forthcoming book 'The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume III: Partisan Anglicanism and its Global Expansion 1829-c.1914', explores the issue of Anglican identity in the Middle East up until the Edinburgh Conference of 1910

This is a draft of a chapter that has been accepted for publication by Oxford University Press in the forthcoming book The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume III: Partisan Anglicanism and its Global Expansion 1829-c.1914 edited by Rowan Strong due for publication in 2017.



Cairo Conference: Interweavings No 9 May 2016

31/05/2016    An Interweaving


Bishop Graham's May Interweavings reflects on the time he spent in Cairo for the first Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference.


Diocesan Community Development as a part of God's Mission


The Revd Dr Emad Basilios

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Cairo, April 2016.


Returning to our roots: Mission in Tunisia Today and St Cyprian


A servant of God

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Cairo, April 2016.


Desert Spirituality and Mission: Coptic Perspectives


Abouna Youhanna

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Cairo, April 2016.


Reflections on the Water - The 2016 Laing Lecture

Thomas Creedy


Thomas Creedy

Consultant to the Mission Theologian, Thomas Creedy, offers some reflections on a stimulating lecture given by Dr Anna Robbins to the faculty, students and friends of London School of Theology. Exploring the theme of collective repentance and implications for reconciliation, this lecture offers a profound challenge to the Church, particularly in the West, but with potentially global and institutional implications.


Pentecostal/Anglican cooperation? New horizons in mission


Zachary Guiliano

This article from Dr. Zachary Guiliano considers Revd. Dr. Wonsuk Ma's stimulating paper from the recent seminar, and asks questions of theology, mission and unity for the global church.


Bishop starts global quest to heal rifts in the Anglican Communion

Bess Twiston Davies


Bess Twiston Davies

Graham Kings, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Mission Theologian, is reaching out to the church’s ‘Global South’, writes Bess Twiston Davies.


This article is reproduced with kind permission of The Times newspaper.



Raising up the Voices of new 'Doctors of the Church'


Graham Kings

The faith background of Graham Kings and the priorities of the post of Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, published originally in Anglican World, the magazine of the Communion and republished with permission.

Wood panel

Wood panel

A bronze
