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Fiji: Mission in Oceania - Contexts and Currents Interweavings No 22 June 2017

20/07/2017    An Interweaving


For June's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the recent Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference in Suva, Fiji.


Globalisation in the Pacific Islands: Challenges and Perspectives for Churches


Revd Dr Cliff Bird

Rev Dr Cliff Bird, Regional Coordinator, Pacific Programs Relief and Development, Uniting World, was Theological Consultant at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, explored the concept of globalisation in the Pacific as it relates to contemporary mission and development.


Te Katekateka as the Key to Embracing and Empowering Women in Kiribati, with particular implications for the Kiribati United Church.


Rev Meeri Iaabeti

Rev Meeri Iaabeti, Kiribati United Church, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, exploring the traditional Kiribati rite of passage for a young woman and its significance for ordination  today.


The Practice of Faaaloaloga and the Congregational Church of Samoa


Rev Kara Siaosi Ipiniu

Rev Kara Siaosi Ipiniu, Congregational Church of Samoa, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, exploring the traditional Samoan concepts of gifts and obligations and the implications for well being.


Pregnancy: Introducing and exploring an Eco-Theological Model from the Pacific for the World


Filomena Hunt Leituala

Filomena Hunt Leituala, Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, exploring  the concept of pregnancy 


Bulsal: Critiquing Shepherd Theology from a Vanuatu Indigenous Perspective


Fr Anthony Ling

Rev Anthony Ling, Anglican Church of Melanesia, in Vanuatu, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, exploring the difficulties of using 'shepherd' language for pastoral care and suggesting 'friendship' language as preferable.


Sunday School: most fruitful area for Christian Education in Vanuatu


Rev Leinamau Seru

Rev Leinamau Seru, Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu, gave this paper at the Mission  Theology in the Anglican Communion conference in Fiji, June 2017, exploring the significance of Sunday Schools in  Vanuatu.


Ibulubulu: A theology of forgiveness understood in a rite of reconciliation in my Itaukei culture


Deaconess Verenaisi Toga

Deaconess Verenaisi Toga, Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, exploring the traditional Fijian rite of forgiveness and reconciliation.


The Silent Dauniveiqaravi in the Church


Deaconess Litiana Maituriwai Tuidrakulu

Deaconess Litiana Maituriwai Tuidrakulu, Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, presented this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference in Fiji, June 2017, exploring the empowering of the ministry of women, especially the wives of Pastors.


The Protestant Church of Kanaky: assessing the evolution of the church and the theology she has tried to develop and apply


Rev Billy Wetewea

Rev Billy Wetewea, Protestant Church of Kanaky, New Caledonia, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, exploring the Church-State and colonial impact in New Caledonia considering in particular the Kanaky people. 


Wood panel

Wood panel

A bronze