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containing the tag   Missiology

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Interweavings: Graham's Blog

Facing the Criticism: Towards a Critical and Constructive Anglican Missiology



A Seminar of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, delivered by The Revd Dr Robert Heaney at Westminster Abbey on 12th May 2016.


Pentecostal/Anglican cooperation? New horizons in mission



This article from Dr. Zachary Guiliano considers Revd. Dr. Wonsuk Ma's stimulating paper from the recent seminar, and asks questions of theology, mission and unity for the global church.


Growth of Global Christianity: Shape and Significance for Theology by Wonsuk Ma



A Seminar of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, delivered by The Revd Dr Wonsuk Ma at Lambeth Palace, 12th February 2016.

This paper will also be given at St Chad's, Durham University, on 24th February 2016, 7:00pm. For more details, please see this page.
