
From Salisbury to Malakal

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Attendees at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion seminar by Professor John Mbiti ask questions following the seminar Theology fresco, Sacrament Holy Trinity above with OT & NT saints & theologians below 'Oxford to Cambridge with a Camel' - Charity walk for camel-based nomad schools in Northern Kenya, with Graham Kings, Joseph Galgalo and friends, June 1999 A carving of African Christian Theology in the Library of St Andrew's College, Kabare, Kenya, by Benson Ndaka Room of the Signature, Vatican Museum, Raphael’s frescos of Philosophy, Theology, Justice and Poetry [GK video] Attendees at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion seminar by Professor John Mbiti ask questions following the seminar Lectern, Chapel Missio Munich, Thomas Mpira African woman